The fire protection study (active and passive) and the regular inspection of the proper operation of the fire extinguishing means is a legal obligation for all buildings that have been constructed after 1988.
Posted on: 08/24/21The fire protection study (active and passive) and the regular inspection of the proper operation of the fire extinguishing means is a legal obligation for all buildings that have been constructed after 1988.
The fire protection of buildings is divided into two sub-sectors:
- in passive fire protection
By passive fire protection we mean all the measures that have been taken with the construction of the building and ensure the timely and safe escape of the public from the building in case of incident, as well as the prevention of transmission of fire to other areas or other buildings.
- in active fire protection.
By active fire protection we mean the means of fire protection that must be installed in a building and which are intended to detect a fire in a timely manner or to deal with it immediately before it becomes uncontrollable.
Fire safety assessments assess the suitability, effectiveness and legal compliance of existing fire protection systems and, at the same time, suggest solutions for the technical upgrade and effective coverage of the areas under consideration.
The fire protection study provides guidance and technical specifications on fixed and portable fire safety and fire protection equipment at the design stage of new installations or extensions.
Fire Protection Certificate
The Fire Protection Certificate is one of the most important documents required for the licensing of shops and educational facilities. In summary, the process of issuing a Fire Protection Certificate is as follows:
- A fire protection study is submitted (active, passive or both depending on the case of the property) following the appropriate - where appropriate - Legal Framework
- This study is approved by the Fire Department to which the property belongs
- The owner of the property or business implements the Fire Protection measures proposed in the approved fire protection study
- The supporting documents for the issuance of the Fire Protection Certificate are submitted
- The competent Fire Service checks the supporting documents and issues the Fire Protection Certificate
Indicative activities that are required to supply and renew the fire protection certificate are:
– Hotels & camps
– Schools
– Offices
– Commercial shops
– Sanitary Stores
– Industries, Crafts and warehouses
– Nursing institutions
– Cars workshop
– Fuel stations
Our technical office undertakes the following services:
1. Preparation of Fire Protection Studies for all categories of buildings
2. On-site inspection of the proper operation of firefighting equipment, providing the documentation required by Greek law
3. Safety Signage Studies - Escape Routes
4. Fire Safety Teams Training